Posts by
Matt Forney
Is Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig Single-Handedly Destroying The New Republic?
Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig is a staff columnist for The New Republic and a contributor to numerous magazines, including The Atlantic, The Nation and Salon. In the wake of Rolling Stone… read more
Why Haven’t The People Who Pushed Rolling Stone’s UVA Rape Hoax Story Been Fired?
This past weekend, Rolling Stone announced that the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism had completed their review of Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s article “A Rape on Campus,” her long-discredited report… read more
3 Reasons Why Most Female Writers Are Garbage
Nothing makes the vein in my forehead rise like being forced to read the gurglings of a female writer. With few exceptions, the vast majority of writing put out by… read more
SJWs Pile On Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Over “Offensive” Tweets
South African comedian Trevor Noah recently found himself on the receiving end of a social justice warrior witch hunt thanks to “offensive” comments he made. The 31-year-old comic, recently tapped… read more
Pitchfork’s Assault On White Men Shows The Necessity Of Pushing Back Against The Left
Having declared war on gamers, comic book fans and metalheads, SJWs have now turned their guns on the world of indie rock. In the past couple of months, indie news… read more
Robin Rinaldi’s Wild Oats Project Shows Why Women Should Not Sleep Around
Recently, author Robin Rinaldi made waves with the publication of her memoir The Wild Oats Project, about how she spent a year sleeping with men and women with the permission… read more
Cassandra Lynn’s Death Shows Why You Should Never Wife Up Broken Girls
Every so often, I run across a story that makes me facepalm so hard that I fracture the bones in my hands. The spectacular self-destruction of former Playboy Playmate Cassandra… read more
5 Reasons Why Girls With Mental Disorders Should Be Shunned
With mental disorders skyrocketing among American females, it’s inevitable that men will have to deal with girls who are not playing with a full deck. Just under a quarter of… read more
Tag The Sponsor Exposes The Depravity Of Modern Women
Have you ever wondered how popular Instagram models can afford their lavish lifestyles? All of them post selfies in which they’re showing off expensive sports cars or vacationing in exotic… read more
Why Are Feminists Ignoring The Violent Gang Rape Of Porn Star Cytherea?
Last month, retired porn star Cytherea was the victim of a brutal gang rape at her home in Las Vegas. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, three teenage suspects, two… read more
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