Posts by

Max Roscoe
Liberals Snowflakes Are Being Massively Triggered By The OK Symbol
Millennials. Is there nowhere safe for them? First, it was the possibility that someone might refer to them by an unpleasantly truthful third person pronoun when they were not present. … read more
What 50 Years Of The Birth Control Pill Have Done To Society
On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI published his seventh and final encyclical titled Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), subtitled On the Regulation of Birth. It addressed the question of… read more
#MeToo Has Gone Too Far
In an earlier article, I examined the sexual groping hysteria of 2018. This week we examine the repercussions of the allegations and possible reasons behind the media conspiracy to make this… read more
Fat Does Not Make You Fat
The modern American diet continues to obsess about “low-fat” and “low-calorie” foods. The immediate connotation of fat and calories is obesity. But what these words really mean (fats = lipids and calories = energy) is… read more
Did Anthony Bourdain Kill Himself Because Of His Blue Pill Views On Women?
Chef and CNN Travel correspondent Anthony Bordain hung himself in his Paris hotel on June 8, 2018. No suicide note was referenced in early reports. My immediate reaction to hearing this… read more
It’s Time To Debunk The Gender Pay Gap… Again
The Gender Pay Gap myth, despite being debunked numerous times by Forbes, CBS News, the Wall Street Journal, numerous economists, and even feminists, just refuses to die. Oddly, Time magazine… read more
The Southern Poverty Law Center Is The Real Hate Group
The SPLC has officially lost its way. In February, the group designated ROK a hate group. A Voice for Men and Return Of Kings were listed for the first time as… read more
10 Pictures That Show Google Is Using Race To Rig Their Search Results
Google has been under increasing criticism for its censorship, feminism, and authoritarian practices. Here is a sample of what they’ve done recently: Fired James Damore for speaking out against its pro-diversity… read more
Why You Should Give Up Masturbation For Lent
Lent is the Christian holiday period lasting 40 fasting days (45 days) prior to Easter. It is a period of reflection, particularly of resisting temptation, cleansing, and preparing for the new… read more
Sexual Harassment Hysteria Is Out of Control
Unless you have been living in the woods for the past decade, it is impossible to avoid the epidemic of sexual groping allegations and their zero-tolerance repercussions. It seems that… read more
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