Posts by

Max Roscoe
Italian Freelancer Elisa Murgese Slanders Roosh With False Criminal Claims
An Italian newspaper ironically named il Fatto Quotidiano “The Daily Fact” has recently jumped on the bandwagon of bashing Roosh. Despite the lack of any “Don’t Bang Italy” publication or comments… read more
The Philosophical Messages Of The Watchmen
The Watchmen is one of the most popular graphic novels of all time. It was published in 1986-1987 as a series of comics written by Alan Moore, British author of… read more
My Experience At A Religious Retreat In America
Recently I attended a multi-day religious retreat with over 1,000 other members of a traditional, simple, old fashioned religious organization. Personally I do not believe in the spiritual, but understand… read more
There Is Scientific Proof That Feminism Is Failing Women
It is often stated that feminism is not only bad for men, but bad for women as well. While the negative effects of feminism may be obvious to any man… read more
How Freudian Psychology Subverted And Destroyed A Catholic Convent
The 1960s comprised a period of great upheaval and change in the west. Two major groups that underwent significant change were the Catholic church and the field of psychology. Psychology… read more
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