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Max Roscoe
Japan Bans Chicks With Dicks
At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting far too much time to an incredibly miniscule and unimportant issue, I must draw attention to a recent win… read more
Feminists Don’t Really Want Diversity
Feminists are among the biggest proponents of diversity, eager to criticize any group which dares to gather without a male-to-female transexual autistic differently-abled person of color. But the truth is they undermine diversity. Whether… read more
6 Letters Sent In From ROK Readers
Today I answer several mailbag submissions, with the final question coming from a female reader from Australia. 1. Letter from a Navy serviceman I just want to say how surprised… read more
The Film “Money” Drops A Big Red Pill On The Greediness Of Women
The 2016 film “Money,” recently released to DVD, is a typical thief-rips-off-another-thief thriller. The main character, who plays the role of a newcomer to the neighborhood, surprises two thieving coworkers as they are… read more
City Of Oakland Pays $1 Million To Teen Prostitute Instead Of Putting Her In Jail
In another example of the Pussy Pass in action, teenager Jasmine Abuslin, who turned tricks under the name Celeste Guap, was awarded $989,000 in a massive taxpayer bailout this week. The… read more
Canadian Government Passes Law That Defines “Abuse” As Not Encouraging A Child’s Transsexualism
The Canadian province of Ontario, which includes around 40% of Canada’s population, and includes the capital city of Ottawa and Toronto, ground zero for slutwalks and feminism, has now passed a… read more
Journalists Are Less Capable Of Asking Proper Questions Than The General Public
This week we continue the analysis of last year’s press conference Roosh held after the meetups were cancelled. We left off analyzing the brain-dead questions that journalists ask that should make… read more
Journalists Ask Stupid Questions To Push Their Narrative And Conceal The Truth
The other day, I was going about my business in the gym when I heard something on the TV that stuck in my ears like a sharp knife: I heard… read more
Thousands Of Innocent Men Were Wrongly Imprisoned Because Of One Lying Woman
Up to 23,000 current prisoners are expected to be released from the Massachusetts State Prison system because the female lab chemist handling evidence in their cases lied, forged colleague’s signatures,… read more
“Frank And Lola” Shows A Portrait Of The Modern American Woman That We Know All Too Well
First, let me say that this film is no masterpiece; it is an enjoyable Hollywood film made in the Current Year, of which there are very few, and it displays male… read more
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