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Max Roscoe
How Your City Is Killing You With Ugliness
The modern world attempts to shun beauty. Pause and think for a moment of something (not someone) beautiful. Chances are you were thinking of something old. Perhaps the Grand Canyon,… read more
6 Questions The Media Is Afraid To Ask About Syria
Hours after the April 4, 2017 incident at Khan Sheikhoun in Syria, western media began publishing stories that the Syrian military had used chemical weapons in an attack on civilians. … read more
The Evolution Of Policing Makes Modern Cities Look Like They’re Under Military Occupation
The British Special Air Service, or SAS, the nation’s elite military corps, founded in 1941 as a crack commando unit to fight the Nazis, has been permanently deployed to the streets of… read more
What I Learned From Oliver Stone’s Movie On Edward Snowden
Oliver Stone’s bio of Edward Snowden is now available on video. While most people are aware of the vast spy network that Snowden revealed, this film focuses more on the… read more
The 5 Stages Of The Voodoo Economy
After the two world wars ended, the European nations which molded the very civilization the world enjoys today, retreated in prominence, as America rose in wealth and power. The New… read more
Anti-Fascist Mob Attacks Professor At Predominately White Middlebury College
Charles Murray, author of the 1994 book The Bell Curve, which analyzes IQ distributions among different subgroups of humans, and through various cultures, was met by a violent mob when… read more
The Decline Of National Public Radio (NPR)
Over the Christmas holidays I turned on my radio, and NPR was playing a story about a mother who was on a quest to let her young toddler become a… read more
The Takedown Of Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos, outrageous Trump supporter and free speech advocate, resigned from his putative job as technology editor for online news site Breitbart, after a flood of suspiciously timed attacks. What’s… read more
Why Do We Push Women To Choose Career Over Family?
On Valentine’s Day this year, I heard a man calling in to a radio program to ask how to show his wife love. You see, the man’s wife is a… read more
It’s Time To Revise The 10 Point Scale To Account For Modern Female Obesity
Guys, we need to talk. It’s 2017. Many of you are still using an outdated, biased, unattainable scale for grading women based on their physical appearance. Yes, I’m talking about… read more
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