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Max Roscoe
American Women Still Have No Idea What Makes Them Happy
Lisa Wade, a sociology professor at Occidental College of California, who earned her Ph.D. at U Wisconsin, Madison, recently published an article attacking marriage because women aren’t happy and satisfied… read more
The Shame Of President Obama’s Legacy
President Obama gave his farewell address in Chicago on January 10, 2016. President Trump took office 10 days later. The following are a few quotes from President Obama’s 50 minute speech: Lack… read more
American Women Are Proud To Be Failures
I attended one of the 673 women’s marches held worldwide on Saturday, January 1st, as an observer. What I saw was a mix of vague dislike of President Trump, pro-female sexist… read more
How The Media Lies Through Omission And Distortion
Much as Frederic Bastiat details economics as the study of the seen and the unseen, news in America can be described as the study of the told and the untold. While… read more
University Of Wisconsin Adds Six-Week Program On Toxic Masculinity
The University of Wisconsin Madison recently announced a six-week program on masculinity, copied after similar programs at other American colleges. The program, titled Bros, Dudes, and Men on Campus: Unpacking… read more
The Real Story Of Pocahontas And How She Helped Destroy Her Native Tribe
It should come as no surprise to the reader that the true story of Pocahontas bears little resemblance to the Disney retelling. The fictional Disney version revolves around a romance… read more
What’s The Difference Between A Modern SJW Protest And A 1963 Pro-Segregation Rally?
Segregation is coming back to college campuses. But this time it’s welcomed by the establishment, administrators, politicians, and student leaders. Recently, University of California at Berkeley students, in a protest… read more
Women Have Binary Minds Of Love Or Hate
Most of you know men and women are fundamentally different. Despite the feminist narrative trying to push equality, neutering our language, and encouraging men like Bruce Jenner to neuter himself, there are fundamental… read more
How Influential French Author Alain Soral Become Red Pilled
Alain Soral is an influential French-Swiss thinker, author, and filmmaker. His beliefs are summarized as “French Third Position,” basically a third party for those that reject the traditional left and… read more
8 Basic Rules For Improving Your Conversation Skills
I recently returned from a trip to Central America. I am fluent in Spanish and traveled at first alone, managing foreign border crossings on foot, and later with a local… read more
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