Posts by

Max Roscoe
Modern Classical Music Is Dead
Modern classical music is like modern art. One big garbled mess. There is no discernible structure, and, lacking any sort of rhythm or melody, one piece is indistinguishable from the next…. read more
Motherhood Is Essential To Making Women Happy
Only in The Current Year is it necessary for me to pen an article explaining that women are happiest when they engage in the natural, feminine, nurturing act of motherhood. Recent… read more
The Biggest Startup Failure Of The Decade Was Caused By A Woman
Elizabeth Holmes, the hope of you-go-girl career hamsters throughout America, hyped as a billionaire and “the next Steve Jobs” after dropping out of college and claiming she had an amazing new… read more
Why College Is A Warzone For Young Men
If you graduated college more than five years ago, you have no idea what kind of indoctrination center your alma mater has become. Last month I became involved in a weekly community… read more
US Judge Has Decreed “Non-Binary” As A Legitimate Third Sex
A female judge in a county court in Oregon has officially decreed that in 4,000 years of modern advancement, we failed to realize that besides man and woman, there is also a third… read more
Welcome To The Age Of Discouragement
There is a photo of my great grandfather wearing a suit, looking solemnly ahead. I never knew him, and have tried to learn as much as I can by asking… read more
ROK Undercover: What It’s Like To Attend An Eastern Orthodox Church Service
This week we conclude the series on conservative religions in America. Parts one and two are here. Eastern Orthodox Church Moscow Cathedral – Architecture matters! While relatively unknown to mainstream… read more
ROK Undercover: What It Was Like To Attend A Muslim Service
Continuing the series on conservative religions, our second part takes us to the always controversial Muslim faith. Muslims I attended an “open night” at a local Muslim worship center during… read more
ROK Undercover: What It Was Like To Spend A Day At A Mormon Church
It’s often said that the west is full of garbage and that men should seek high quality women elsewhere. While I agree, it’s also true that most of the ROK… read more
Words Like “Man” and “Chairman” Are Being Censored On College Campuses
Summer is ending and students are returning to campus. Wait, that should read: We are approaching the 9th menstrual period of the year, and special snowflakes are returning to their… read more
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