Posts by

Max Roscoe
International No Diet Day Shows The Miserable Depths Feminists Go To Stay Morbidly Obese
As I watched Roosh’s interview on Dr. Oz last year, I was thinking to myself, “Why all the uproar—being thin is healthy and sexually attractive. Who could be against that?”… read more
5 Reasons You Should Become A Mental Health Worker
One sad fact of the world today is that the single earner household is all but dead and gone. While in the past a man could graduate high school and… read more
7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action
Following up last week’s article where four innocent men were coerced into giving false confessions and then imprisoned for over a decade for a crime the prosecutor knew they didn’t… read more
What You Need To Know To Survive A Police Interrogation
In July, 1997, Michelle Moore-Bosko was raped and murdered in Norfolk, Virginia. There was no forced entry, and the perpetrator was described as a single assailant. Soon, seven US sailors were… read more
How To Get Over Your Anxiety When Approaching Women
One of my best life lessons I learned in a Boy Scout wilderness survival class. I learned that the number one thing that keeps you alive if you are lost in the… read more
6 Ways To Pay Less In Taxes
Self improvement includes mental and physical improvement, and developing financial resources. One very important aspect of this is minimizing the taxes you pay. This has two benefits. First, you are saving… read more
Has The Theft Of The 2016 Presidential Election Already Begun?
We are seven months from America’s presidential elections. While as recently as last week, major media outlets were claiming that a Trump Republican candidacy was close to inevitable, and with… read more
6 Ways Liberal Democracy Destroys The Goodness Of Humanity
Growing up in the west, especially in America, one is taught that you live in the most glorious time ever—the most wonderful, wealthy, stable, free, and best place on the planet…. read more
7 Places Where You Can Meet The “New” Modern Woman
Hitting the same old night clubs, bars, coffee shops, and pet stores can get old–you meet the same type of girls, and frankly you get sick of the venue. Plus… read more
A Gentleman’s Introduction To The Seven Liberal Arts
The ancient Greek and Roman civilizations were periods of rapid cultural growth and advancement. Over two thousand years ago, these cultures developed an education system that persisted until the 20th… read more
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