Posts by

Max Roscoe
Why The 1990s Were The Last Sane Period In America
Recently, while on vacation to Latin America, I spent the final evening with my girl in the room watching the Anthony Hopkins film Silence of The Lambs, which tells a… read more
How Feminism Dried Up The Ovaries Of Lena Dunham
Dunham, born in 1986 (currently 29) is a stereotypical New York Jewish feminist working in media. In 2010 she wrote, directed, and starred in a biopic called Tiny Furniture, about a… read more
How Does The Raging Culture War Predict Our Sexual Future?
As I near the age when men traditionally begin families, I have become more pensive and observant. Many ideas that I once held have evolved, or sometimes completely reversed. After… read more
Why You Should Consider Planting A Garden
Spring is just around the corner, and I urge every man to consider planting a garden. First, there is the obvious food source. A garden is a frugal investment, which can… read more
9 Things I Learned About The Depravity Of Women From Camgirl Site Chaturbate
Recently, a friend introduced me to a website called Chaturbate (nsfw), a free site where you can view people naked doing just about anything. It’s basically free, live amateur porn. I… read more
4 More Lies All Men Are Told Their Entire Lives
Previously we examined several common lies men are told to keep them under control and working for the feminist state. This article will discuss four more common lies men are told…. read more
How Irrational Fear Is Being Used To Control Your Behavior
The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself — Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President Living in 2016 on planet earth is historically the safest time in history. Life… read more
4 Colossal Lies That Men Have Been Told Since Birth
Men who live in modern Western liberal democracies under the influence of third wave feminism have a distorted view of reality. The analogy of “taking the red pill” is used to refer… read more
5 Simple Steps For Not Getting Raped
Periodically, I feel drawn to take time from my personal life to serve others. This week in place of an article for men about neomasculinity, I will be presenting a… read more
Are You Ready To Live In A Society That Pressures Toddlers To Become Transgender?
I sometimes find it difficult to accept the rapid changes our society has seen. My grandparents were born shortly after the First World War, when Western culture began its decline…. read more
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