Posts by

Max Roscoe
10 Things My Dog Taught Me About Women
I discovered ROK around the same time I became the owner of a puppy, and there are many parallels I have noticed while I am out with my dog about… read more
8 Things Women Can Do To Be More Attractive
While women are affected by life experiences, and particularly number of sexual partners, far more severely than men, there are always steps that can be taken to preserve and cultivate… read more
A Modern Day Horror Story On The Origin Of The Transgender Movement
Today David Reimer would be 50 years old. He would be at the peak of his career, perhaps with a couple of teenage kids, whom he could look forward to… read more
Why We Should Reinstitute The Dowry
Marriage rates are declining, and some sociologists fear that an entire generation is choosing to opt out of marriage. While there are many causes, from the financial and personal risk… read more
Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise To Power
On December 2, 1804, Notre Dame Cathedral echoed with the sounds of 400 musicians and singers as 35 year old Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor (crowning himself, incidentally). “I found… read more
Record High Number Of Americans Renounce Their Citizenship
It is no surprise that frustration and discontent with life in the West is growing. Following a declining economy, America is no longer seen as a viable employment destination, as… read more
How The Sci-Fi Series Ascension Shows The Usefulness Of Traditional Values
Ascension (7.2 IMDB rating) is a science fiction series which aired on CBC in Canada and SyFy in the US. In addition to being an interesting and thought-provoking sci-fi series,… read more
Two Feminist Sluts Indoctrinate America
Corinne Fisher and Krystyna (what, mom didn’t like vowels?) Hutchinson are two unfunny New York feminists who host a podcast entitled “Guys We Fucked: The Anti-Slut-Shaming Podcast.” I became aware… read more
An Afternoon With Mike During Men’s Month
Mike rounded the corner, passing a large billboard with a picture of four men–white, black, Asian, and Latino, all smiling. At the bottom of the sign, a state employment agency… read more
8 Places To Meet Higher Quality Women In The West
While anyone who travels internationally will tell you the quality of women is far higher elsewhere, and indeed American women are perhaps the worst out there, many of us do… read more
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