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Maximus Decimus Meridius
The Orthodox Church Is The Answer To Reviving Christianity In Europe And Saving The West
First let us take a look at a Christian faith that is strong, vibrant and alive. Christianity is a beautiful faith. For all my previous criticism of its intellectual formulation,… read more
Barbarian Christians: Why Islam May Want To Rethink Taking Over Europe
The main crisis of The West today is one of identity. I watched a good video series on this dilemma recently and the thrust of the argument presented was this… read more
Will Hollywood And Corporate America Keep Selling Garbage Politics To Trump Voters?
There is still a lot of accepting and getting used to saying the phrase “President Donald Trump” for many people in America. Personally, I went to the gym first thing that… read more
Feminism Has Lost The Minds Of Young Women
The idea that feminism is dead is gaining ground all across the west. One would like to think it is because of the trail blazing of the man-o-sphere, and to a… read more
Is Islam Really The Biggest Threat To The West?
I understand this will be a sensitive topic, especially with the current election cycle in the United States and the recent (weekly? daily?) attacks now being carried out by ISIS… read more
Will Neomasculinity Create A New Patriarchal Religion?
As neomasculinity is refined and polished, can we look to history to see if a new masculine and patriarchal religion may also arise for future kings to claim authority by?… read more
The Ultimate Guide To Muscle: Rest And Recovery
Well, you made it. Part 1 has you killing it in the gym maximizing your genetic potential. Part 2 has your body so fueled with good food your gains are… read more
The Ultimate Guide To Muscle: Supplementation
If you are new to this series, be sure to check out Part 1 on Genetics and Training and Part 2 on Nutrition. You should also note the order of… read more
The Ultimate Guide To Building Muscle: Nutrition
Part one of this series introduced you to your genetic limitations and potential, as well as how to optimize your training program to maximize what yo’ Daddy gave you. Part… read more
The Ultimate Guide To Building Muscle: Genetics And Training
There are a lot of articles on ROK about lifting weights and building muscle. All of them are very good. What I could not find was an ultimate guide, with… read more
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