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Michael Augustus
Women Would Rather Be Raped By Invaders Than Stuck With Beta Males
She is dying for you to put her in her place, beneath you. A woman wants to be conquered, she wants to submit to power, she wants to give up… read more
Rape Culture Was Invented In 1975
Still left wondering how the preposterous “Rape Culture” hysteria began? It’s okay, you weren’t supposed to know. On September 9, 1973, two black prisoners of Lorton, Virginia founded the group,… read more
New York Has Adopted Yes Means Yes
Once is an event. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern. Four times is conspiracy. On October 2, 2014, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, passed a sexual assault… read more
The Deadlift And Me
Second only to the squat in the most fundamental movements of humans, is the almighty deadlift: AKA picking heavy shit off the ground and putting it down. This lift is… read more
Hawaii Has Adopted “Yes Means Yes”
I regret to inform you that the “Yes Means Yes” proponents have reached their second milestone. The disease of feminism has swam across the Pacific and onto Hawaiian shores to… read more
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