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Michael Mobius
Men Are Portrayed As The Biggest Danger In The Modern Risk Society
The Lion is said to be the king of the beasts. With its lustrous mane, muscular frame, and general readiness for a scrap it has a reputation for both looking… read more
How The Deconstruction Of Men Echoes Our Totalitarian Past
It is 25 years since the end of history. Twenty five years since the Berlin Wall came down, since the Velvet Revolution in former Czechoslovakia, since Ceaușescu died serenading Romanians… read more
Western Feminists Continue To Exploit Women In Developing Countries For Their Own Gain
Britain’s Daily Mail recently reported that T-shirts for the “this is what a feminist looks like” campaign costing £45 ($71) were being made by women in Mauritius working in sweatshop-like… read more
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