Posts by

Michael Sebastian
This Year’s Oscars Reveal That The Culture Wars Are About To Explode
Generally, I recommend that men try to unplug from mainstream culture as much as possible, but as a writer for ROK, I feel it is my responsibility to pay attention… read more
Why Black Panther Will Increase Ethnic Nationalism
Movies are overrated when it comes to their cultural effects. Hollywood hypes its movies as life changing to sell more movie tickets, but it is usually just marketing. But every… read more
Satanism And Witchcraft Are Staging A Big Comeback
The election of Donald Trump has caused many people to lose their senses. We now have news anchors crying on the air, former conservatives siding against their own president, and… read more
Ann Coulter Reveals That She Is Experiencing Pain As A Childless Woman
Most of the time, celebrities put up a false front. The image they want to project is that their lives are interesting, fulfilling, and involve stimulating relationships with other popular… read more
The Oxford Circus Panic On Black Friday Confirms The British Spirit Has Been Conquered
The British are among the most formidable people in Europe. Before the Great War they held the greatest Empire the world has ever seen. It was rightly said that the… read more
4 Steps We Must Take To Fix Society
In the manosphere and right wing circles, there is strong agreement that society as it is currently situated is unhealthy. Conservatives believe that the fix is easy—the answer is just… read more
Top 5 Horror Movies Ever Made
The Halloween season is a great time to curl up with your girl to watch a horror movie. But there is nothing worse than watch a horror movie that turns… read more
PUA Game Is Not Enough To Keep The Girl You Like
Broadly, there are two types of “game.” The first type is pick-up artist (PUA) game: the art of meeting girls and getting them to go out on a date—or more…. read more
What’s Next For The Alt Right?
After Charlottesville, the alt right finds itself in an odd position: it is falsely demonized by the media and the GOP as “Nazis,” it is disavowed by the alt lite,… read more
How “Being Nice” Creates Serious Problems For Men
As I’ve watched the US and European nations destroy themselves through idiotic policies, I’ve often wondered how we got into this predicament. After much thought, I am convinced that most… read more
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