Posts by

Michael Sebastian
How America’s New Nobility Has Forgotten Its Obligation To The Country
Regardless of how much progressives and “conservatives” drone on about equality, every society has an elite or noble class. The nobility, also known as the aristocracy, is defined as the… read more
Why Moderate Feminism Is Just As Bad As Radical Feminism
Last week I wrote a tongue-in-cheek article about converting feminists to femininity. In the article, I mentioned that radical feminist Andrea Dworkin equated all heterosexual sex, even consensual sex, with… read more
A Field Guide To Converting Feminists
Now that the message of neomasculinity is finally getting out, even in the face of violent opposition, we can move on to the next step in our crusade to reclaim… read more
One Historian’s Dystopian Vision Of Our Near Future
It is easy to get hung up on squabbling about the hot button issues of the day (feminism, creeping socialism, immigration, and Planned Parenthood’s sale of murdered baby parts) that… read more
The Rise Of The Anti-Cuckservative
The term “cuckservative” is much more than an insult. It comes loaded with some ideas that makes me think that we are witnessing a great shift in American politics—perhaps even… read more
Donald Trump And The Tyranny Of Feelings
The recent overreaction to what Donald Trump said about illegal immigration is a good illustration of what is wrong with our society as a whole and our political discourse in… read more
Contemporary Art Reflects Our Cultural Degeneracy
The performance art of Emma Sulkowicz is only the latest example in the long decline of Western art. Her recent failed effort at amateur pornography, entitled Ceci N’est Pas Un… read more
5 Things I Learned From Becoming A Father
There are a lot of articles in the manosphere that discuss what it means to be a man. Some think that it means learning game. Others think that it means… read more
Why Is Modern Christianity So Wimpy?
Modern Christianity has proven itself ineffective against combatting virtually every point of the leftist agenda. Whether the issue is defending the family against divorce, opposing same-sex marriage, fighting feminism, or… read more
5 Things That Have Ruined American Women
Pretty much everyone is aware that American women are messed up, but the real question is “how did they get that way?” While this is not a complete list, here… read more
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