Posts by

Michael Sebastian
8 Lessons On Managing Women From The Bored Wives Club
Regular ROK readers are no doubt familiar with how the popular media pushes the message to women about how boring marriage and motherhood are, and how exciting it is to… read more
Social Justice Warriors’ Updated Version Of The Seven Deadly Sins
Earlier this week I was walking through JFK airport when I found this curious, handwritten document, obviously dropped by another passenger. The document had no names on it, but I… read more
The Josh Duggar Incident Reveals The Tactics And Hypocrisy of SJWs
Last week, In Touch Weekly broke the news that Josh Duggar, eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar from TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, had molested five under-aged girls… read more
Virginia Schoolboard Gives In To SJWs With New “Gender Identity” Policies
This month, progressives initiated the use of a blitzkrieg tactic attack against normal men and women. On May 7th, the school board of Fairfax County, Virginia voted to add “gender… read more
“Real Housewives” Promote The Rise Of The Sexually Aggressive Aging Woman
You’ve probably seen her at the grocery store, hair dyed to hide the grey, designer sunglasses to disguise the wrinkles around her eyes, boob job, and skin-tight yoga pants worn… read more
3 Ways Men Can Try To Fix The System
When it comes to prescribing what individual men can do to improve their lives, there is wide agreement in the manosphere. There is also a consensus that our current society… read more
8 Relationship Lockdown Techniques To Avoid
Dating was a lot different before the sexual revolution. Men were highly motivated to get married because it was the only way they could get sex for free. Yes, fornication… read more
6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers
There was a time when being a teacher was considered an ideal profession for a woman who wanted to marry and have children. Teachers got the summers off so that… read more
How To Spot Pop Culture Indoctrination
The popular media (Hollywood movies, television, music, commercials, comics, etc.) has always been aware of its ability to influence public opinion. As early as 1960, television shows such as the… read more
A Beginner’s Guide To The Pussification Of American Men
If you are a male who was born any time after 1960, you have been subjected to continuous efforts to make you into a big pussy. Here is how it… read more
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