Posts by

Michael Sebastian
How To Train The Next Generation Of Men
If you were a parent in the 1950s, you had a pretty good idea of what the future held for your sons. The path to success was set: get good… read more
Why Civic Nationalism Will Fail
The alt lite and the alt right agree on several things, namely the need to respect national sovereignty, strong borders, and opposing globalism. But the biggest difference between the two… read more
5 Ways You Can Revolt Against The Modern World
Italian philosopher Julius Evola wrote a book in 1934 entitled, Revolt Against The Modern World. The book is prophetic in that Evola was able to accurately diagnose the ills of… read more
5 Signs That The Apocalypse Is Upon Us
It’s easy to get so caught up in daily life that you miss the bigger picture of what is happening around you. But while our first priority has to be… read more
How American Christians Were Manipulated Into Loving Israel
Americans love Israel. While it is not unusual to find people of Irish or Polish descent who love Ireland or Poland, there are millions of Americans who love Israel even… read more
Why The Globalist Establishment Is Doomed To Fail
It’s easy to get despondent over the current political situation. The progressive, globalist elites appear to be firmly entrenched in their positions of power. Even the election of Trump hasn’t… read more
Should You “Man Up” And Get Married?
It’s a question that I still often see on social media: Should men, given the degenerate state of modern society, get married? Let’s start with the case against getting marriage,… read more
The Battle Of Berkeley Signals The Arrival Of A True Right-Wing Movement
This past weekend, antifascist “antifa” groups attacked a peaceful Trump rally in Berkeley California. The goal of the antifa attack was to deprive these Trump supporters of their constitutional right… read more
Has Trump Been Bamboozled By The Neocons?
By now you are aware that on April 4th a gas attack took place, purportedly launched by Syrian president Bashar Assad. Gruesome pictures and videos of dead children were played non-stop… read more
4 Ways That Western Women Are Ruining Themselves
Women are the foundation of any successful civilization because culture passes from mother to child. But in the name of “liberation,” Western women have adopted a number of traits that… read more
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