Posts by

Michael Sebastian
Is The Black Nationalist “Hotep” Movement An Ally In The War Against Globalist Elites?
Over the past several months on Twitter I started to notice tweets from black men that echoed many of the idea you will find in the manosphere. I quickly noticed… read more
Why Returning To The Pagan Mindset Could Bring Back Masculinity
Sometimes a crisis can force you to do things you never would have agreed to before. My step-father was 40 years when he had a heart attack. Up until that… read more
Trump Derangement Syndrome Hits The Oscars
I try to watch the Oscars every year because it is a good bellwether of what the globalist elites want Americans to think. In past years the Oscars have pushed… read more
How Girl Power Is Ruining Western Culture
Girl Power is ubiquitous. Whenever you watch a commercial, go to see a movie, or enjoy your favorite sitcom, you’ll almost certainly be exposed to some form of a Girl… read more
How Strong Men Were Transformed Into Beta Males
Recently, I was invited to spend some time up at Martha’s Vineyard by a couple that we are friends with. At one of the restaurants, I found a peculiar handwritten… read more
The Globalists Strike Back Against Trump
During the election, the globalist elites that run the US (and most European nations) threw everything they had to stop Donald Trump. Despite an unprecedented media blitz of every sort of… read more
Stop Worshipping Women On The Internet
Modern men have unwittingly joined a pagan cult. This cult has no buildings and no formal hierarchy yet it is leading men to embrace degeneracy, encouraging girls to become sluts,… read more
How To Develop A Masculine Spiritual Program
When you think about self-improvement, you probably immediately think of improving your body—resolving to go to the gym three times per week or to eat a paleo diet. But while… read more
The Ugly Divorce Between The Alt Right And The Alt Lite
The end of the year is usually a quiet time for news, but it wasn’t quiet for some of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters. The political movement known as the… read more
The Current Year Is When The Tide Began To Turn
As we approach the end of the year, we will all be subjected to lame retrospectives filled with trivia that nobody cares about. But 2016 is a significant year because it… read more
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