Posts by

Michael Sebastian
Is Pope Francis Destroying The Catholic Church?
Traditional men should be concerned with what goes on in the large Christian churches, even if they don’t happen to be Christian. That’s because the churches affect the moral temperature… read more
Why You Should Avoid The Cucked Interpretations Of Modern Christianity
Last week my colleague Donovan Sharpe published an article entitled A Red Pill Perspective On The Existence Of God. The article is a meditation on how belief in God, specifically… read more
Welcome To America’s New Golden Age
In 1920s, the US experienced a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, rapid advances technology, and a sense of destiny. With the election of Trump, the US is on the verge… read more
How To Live After Trump
Before Trump’s glorious victory over the forces of progressive darkness, I promised that I would provide a roadmap on what traditional men could do next to usher in a return… read more
What The 2016 Election Has Exposed
There are some things that we have learned about the United States from this election. We’ll need to keep these in mind as we make efforts to return sanity to… read more
Will #DraftOurDaughters Bring Hillary Down?
October has been a portentous month for the presidential campaign. In the beginning of the month women came forward accusing Trump of unwelcome advances. Later, FBI Director James Comey re-opened… read more
Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Fighting A Rigged System
At the third debate, Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election. Trump responded that he would have to look at the process to determine… read more
How Donald Trump Forever Changed US Politics
Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Donald Trump’s run for the presidency has had a huge effect on the country, especially our broken political process…. read more
Political And Media Establishment Furiously Attack Trump For Being A Heterosexual Male
On Friday, our globalist elite released their most withering attack yet on Donald Trump: A ten-year-old recording of a private conversation where Trump said the word “pussy.” The coordinated media/Democrat/GOP… read more
What You Need To Do If Hillary Wins
Nearly all the writers at Return Of Kings support Donald Trump. We believe that he represents a genuine threat to the hegemony of the oligarchs that control US domestic and… read more
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