Posts by

Michael Sebastian
Why Are So Many Women Sluts?
Last week I tackled the question as to why so many women are leftists. This week I address an even more important question: Why are so many women sluts? Today,… read more
Why Are So Many Women Liberals?
Women are more liberal than men. This is so true that the only thing that a person needs to do to get more liberal political policies enacted is to get… read more
A Summer Beach Trip Shows How Badly America Has Declined
This past week I took my children on vacation to the beach. While we had a great time, it also exposed me to an aspect of the United States I… read more
If SJWs Were Comic Book Characters
You are no doubt aware that Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are turning the comic books of your youth into Marxist propaganda. Thor is now a girl. Marvel has a character… read more
Powerful Men Who Were Undone By Weakness
One of the best ways to improve your own life is to study the lives of the great men of the past. By emulating their virtues, we can accomplish mighty… read more
4 Types Of Losers Who Hate Donald Trump
There are lots of different groups that have a visceral hatred of Trump. Here are a few of them. 1. Women who cannot score an alpha male Let’s face it…. read more
The Type Of Man Who Reads Return Of Kings
Back in the 1960s, Playboy magazine ran a campaign to encourage advertisers to buy space in the magazine. The campaign was entitled “What Sort of Man Reads Playboy” and it… read more
What Is Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW)?
We are living in dangerous times. Our governing elite has flooded Europe and the US with Muslims which has led to a sharp increase in the frequency of terrorist incidents…. read more
How Popular Music Turns Men Into Beta Males
Popular music is crap. Most of the singers can’t sing and the music is dull and formulaic. But the lyrics of the songs make popular music really toxic to impressionable boys… read more
4 Signs That Modern Women Have Become Petulant Children
ROK has always carried a good number of articles on game, but I think the problem facing men today is not getting a woman, but being able to find one… read more
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