Posts by

Michael Sebastian
Patriarchal Nationalism: What Is National Identity?
One of the problems that Western nations are facing is a crisis of national identity. What do these nations stand for besides adherence to abstract concepts such as personal freedom… read more
7 Things A Man Must Never Do
Here at ROK we usually give advice on what men should do, so now here’s a list of things that you shouldn’t. 1. Get Fat Getting fat is one of… read more
Today Is The Brexit Vote—Did The Global Elite Fumble By Allowing It?
Today, British citizens will vote on Brexit—whether the UK should remain or leave the European Union. The debate leading up to the vote contains valuable insights into the tactics of… read more
ISIS Terror Shooting At Gay Nightclub Dismantles The Liberal Narrative
The progressive narrative is that all people are “just like us.” Any differences between different groups of people is the result of racism, colonialism, or bad economic policies. The Islamic… read more
What The Coming Race War Will Look Like
The 2016 presidential is shaping up to be one of the ugliest in recent history. After eight years of racial agitation under the Obama administration and social justice warriors run… read more
Here’s What To Do When Your Life Is Hit With Adversity
If you live long enough, you are going to face situations that will test your mettle. Here are some things to keep in mind so that when adversity strikes, you… read more
Is Heat Street A Thinly-Veiled Cuckservative Attempt To Thwart Donald Trump?
There’s a new anti-Trump site on the web called Heat Street, that has built its credibility by attacking SJWs. It purports to be “An engaging new destination for news, features,… read more
How Advertising Shows The Decline Of American Culture
Commercials are a convenient window into the culture. Even when commercials don’t exactly reflect the culture, they still speak to what the culture aspires to. Unfortunately, a comparison of the… read more
Why Do SJWs Like Game Of Thrones When It Stands For Everything They’re Against?
As the new season of the HBO series Game of Thrones got underway, I noticed that all of the Social Justice Warriors on my social media were really excited about… read more
Why Is The United States Doing So Little To Halt The Spread Of Zika Virus?
An alarming new strain of the Zika virus is spreading through the Western hemisphere, yet the US government has not announced quarantines or travel bans. What’s behind the recent lackadaisical… read more
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