Posts by

Michael Sebastian
7 Methods The Elites Use To Control Us
All societies are run by an elite. In the past, this elite was the hereditary aristocracy. Today, the elite are extremely wealthy globalists. Here are some of the techniques they… read more
How Conservatives Are As Bad As Liberals In Undermining America
Liberalism is a cancer that is eating away at the heart of Western civilization by eroding its foundational institutions. But there is another movement that may be even worse than… read more
3 Men Of The Bible Who Were Undone By Weakness
We can learn a lot from reading about the lives of heroic men. Their example goads us to achieve great things in our own lives. But we can also learn… read more
Why A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Destroy The United States
Of all the 2016 presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrat, the worst one by far is Hillary Clinton. If she is elected to the presidency, her policies may bring an… read more
The Husband Is The Head Of The Wife
The institution of marriage is in big trouble. About 40% of all marriages in the US end in divorce. The divorce rate would probably be even higher but for the… read more
Is The American Establishment Trying To Get Donald Trump Assassinated?
Donald Trump evokes strong passions. Most people either love him or hate him. But the people who hate him at the highest levels of power are much more numerous—and they… read more
Patriarchal Nationalism: The Only Societal System That Can Save The West
One of the goals of Return Of Kings is to bring back the patriarchy. Roosh already started this process with the introduction of neomasculinity last year. Neomasculinity is an indispensable foundation because until… read more
The 2016 Oscars Showed Us Which Lies The Hollywood Elite Wants Us To Believe
Social justice warriors have succeeded in ruining the entire movie industry. If you needed any proof, you just had to tune in to the 2016 Academy Awards ceremony. I’m not… read more
Why Do People Hate Return Of Kings?
As you are all aware by now, the cancellation of the Return of Kings meet-ups was caused by a deliberate misrepresentation of our message. ROK readers were described as being… read more
5 Ways To Groom An Indian Girl To Be A Subservient Wife
Back in 2014, my colleague Matt Forney warned men to not date Indian girls. But Indian men who want to honor their heritage will still marry Indian girls, and there… read more
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