Posts by

Michael Sebastian
This Is The Time To Support Return Of Kings
The firestorm that was unleashed after Roosh announced the worldwide meetup exceeded what anyone could have imagined. The message from the attack on the meetups is clear: masculinity is a… read more
How Common Core Is Turning A Generation Of Americans Into Idiots
Now that it is presidential election season, we constantly hear the politicians tell us how broken the US education system is. One of the solutions that is supported by the… read more
5 Serious Problems With The Alt Right Movement
Recently, Paul Ramsey published an excellent article here at ROK introducing the Alternative Right. While I sympathize with some of the goals of the alt right, I believe the movement… read more
How Your Feelings Of Guilt Are Being Weaponized Against You
Recently, I was chatting with a German friend about the sexual assaults in Cologne of women by the “rapefugees” that had been invited into the country by Chancellor Merkel. I… read more
What Will Happen To Western Society In 2016
As we approach the end of year, the media typically gives us a rehash of what happened over the past year. While that can be a fun exercise, at ROK… read more
How The Christmas Truce Of 1914 Shows The World Has Become Less Civil
It was the first Christmas of World War I. German and British troops had already been dug into the trenches of the Western Front for five months when something of… read more
Is Marion Maréchal-Le Pen The Future Of Right-Wing Politics?
Recently, the French political party, Front National, suffered a defeat, failing to win a single region in the second round of municipal voting. The defeat was a disappointment, as the… read more
Leftists Go Crazy Over Donald Trump’s Call To Ban Muslim Immigration
After it became apparent that the shootings in San Bernardino, which left 14 dead, constituted another act of Islamic terrorism, Americans looked to their leaders to provide a way reducing… read more
Why The Response To Paris Attacks Will Only Destroy Europe Faster
French President Hollande’s tough initial response to the ISIS attacks on Paris gave me hope that this time it would be different. This would mark the first time that Western… read more
University Of Missouri SJWs Force Resignation Of President For No Particular Reason
The Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) have claimed another scalp. Tim Wolfe, the president of the University of Missouri System, was forced to resign in response to students who were protesting the… read more
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