Posts by

Michael Sebastian
Margaret Cho’s #12DaysofRage Campaign Will Encourage Rape Hysteria
Get ready for more rape mania, because comedian Margaret Cho is sponsoring a Twitter campaign entitled #12DaysofRage. The stated purpose of the campaign is to “end the silence surrounding sexual… read more
Groveling Confession Of Asheville Coffee Shop PUAs Shows Why You Should Never Apologize To SJWs
Back in September 2015, it was revealed that the two men who owned the Waking Life coffee shop in Asheville, NC were also running a blog that documented their sexual exploits… read more
25 Tweets From #BringBackThePatriarchy That Show The Tide Is Turning
When I first started writing for Return of Kings less than a year ago, I thought that we were in for a long, hard battle against the corrosive forces of… read more
4 Reasons Why You Should Date A Feminist
Here at Return of Kings, feminism sometimes gets a bad rap. Even I have been guilty of mocking feminism. But this is a little bit unfair because while feminism does… read more
Was Ben Carson Right About Gun Control’s Role In The Holocaust?
It is no secret that American progressives would love to do away with the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Conservatives, on the other hand, are adamant about protecting our right… read more
Global Elites Caught Plotting The Islamic Invasion Of Europe
Our global elites are generally very good at hiding their plans for the unwashed masses—those of us who are not blessed with immense wealth and power. They are good, but… read more
Did Texas Bigots Persecute Islamic Inventor Ahmed Mohamed?
Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) specialize in creating faux rage incidents to further their agenda. This usually involves selecting an “injustice” and targeting the source of the “injustice.” The firing of… read more
8 Tactics Of The Occult War
In the wake of World War II, Europe found itself in ruins. The architects of modern Europe had already started to build the edifice of liberal democratic nation-states that comprise… read more
3 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Child Watch Sesame Street
Recently, my wife started to let our two-year-old son watch Sesame Street. She figured it would be a fun way to help him learn how to read so she started… read more
Why You Should Stop Using Pot
If you want to achieve anything in life, it’s time to stop smoking pot. This advice runs quite contrary to the current popular culture. Recreational marijuana use has gone mainstream… read more
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