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All Women Are Disloyal
If there is one defining feature that separates men and women it can be summed up in one word… loyalty. Why? Because women have none. And is it a bad… read more
The Manliest of Men: Adrian Carton de Wiart
Man has created some of the toughest sons of bitches on the face of the planet through both real events and fiction over and over again throughout history. In the… read more
The Truth About Gym Game
Few things in life truly emulate the cartoon depiction of holding a carrot on a stick as motivation. The gym is that one exception. Any man who has spent a… read more
The Dangers of Bro Science
Thanks to the internet, the science of bro has started to shoot its way into skinny virgins bookmarks on Google Chrome everywhere throughout the nation. While the general concept is… read more
Lessons Learned From The Fast And The Furious
It’s not often that you can find a movie franchise successful enough to do six movies without having a reboot halfway through. Hell it’s hard enough for Hollywood to even… read more
Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?
In today’s world smart phone’s are less of a necessity and just simply a reality. The once common flip cell phone is all but on the verge of extinction, and… read more
The 9 Stages Of Working Out
Any experienced body builder will tell you that their trip to being huge was a giant metamorphosis (or meatamorphosis as I like to call it). I can’t directly give you… read more
The Art Of Meals On The Go
Previously I explained why every man should cook, which you can read here. Today I figured I’d explain some tips for eating meals on the go. I still recommend that… read more
5 Surprising Uses For Baking Soda
Everyone has heard of baking soda, and if you haven’t you probably live under a rock. It’s that fun stuff that helps you make a fake volcano to win the… read more
Real Men Make Sandwiches
All real men should have the ability to cook, and cook well. The ability to make a mean grilled cheese sandwich and survive off frozen pizza’s and mac n’ cheese… read more
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