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8 Ways Game Is Like Big Business
While sitting in my cubicle doing my resume building job the other day, I realized how much working for a large corporation has taught me about the concept of game…. read more
Supplements Don’t Build Muscle
I was inspired to write this after a friend of mine bragged to me about how he just dropped $200 on supplements for working out. Seeing his stack, I quickly… read more
7 Reasons Why The Twin Cities Are Great For Men
Lately I’ve noticed that there’s a negative in the manosphere. We’ve been posting a lot about why American women suck, and why certain cities in America suck. Well I figured it… read more
What Happened To Ashley?
From prom queen to dumpster slut. Seriously I didn’t think it was possible, but I guess meth really can ruin your life; Â or having a lack of motivation as well… read more
Men Love Commitment
Contrary to popular belief, men do in fact love commitment. I haven’t really met anyone who is afraid of it to be honest. The problem for women is that men… read more
Life Was Better With Cigarettes
Never mind any health related complications caused by smoking. Yes I know they give you lung, throat, mouth, teeth, and brain cancer. But my cell phone will give me brain… read more
The Only 4 Exercises You Need
There is a phrase K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) that I like to use a lot. And when it comes to fitness and working out, a lot of people need… read more
Working Out Favors Men
I believe it is safe to say that recently America has begun a âget fitâ campaign thanks to constant media attention regarding our countries obesity rate. With the new craze… read more
Where Did The Pretty American Girls Go?
Recently Iâve been on a 80âs and 90âs movie kick. Partially because the movies are so absurd that they are enjoyable, and partially because I donât like to watch movies… read more
Is Feminism Really Killing Masculinity?
Having recently watched the film Mansome, and having viewed a few other trends in society, I began to question feminism’s role in the destruction of the true male. While I do not… read more
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