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The Manosphere Is Becoming An Obvious Success
While undoubtedly, the latest success has been Roosh’s post 9 Ugliest Feminists In America, it appears that the manosphere is starting to take off in the mainstream as well. I was recently… read more
How Superbowl Marketing Discredited Feminism
For anyone who tuned into the Superbowl, the above commercial from GoDaddy will be familiar. You’re probably also recalling the fact that the commercial likely struck a nerve with your thoughts. For… read more
Build A Bachelor Pad And Save The World
If there is one thing everyone needs it’s shelter, or at least a place with a roof where you can have lots of sex. Either way, many people shell out… read more
10 Things I Learned From Manti Te’o
The Manti Te’o situation has been storming the news of both sports and mainstream as of late. Â For those who do not know the situation, I’ll explain it in brief:… read more
Learn To Be An Alpha From Athletes
To learn about the alpha male, one does not need to look any further than todayâs professional athletes. Athletes are the kings of the world with money, women, and fame…. read more
Why Swag Is Bad For Your Game
Superbly Weak Amateur Game. That’s what SWAG is, so don’t bother. Unless you are under the age of 20, you should not be attempting to do swag. SWAG, derived from… read more
6 Reasons Why Jersey Shore Was Good For American Culture
Was Jersey Shore really that bad? Sure there were some douche bag moments, too many faked binge drinking events, and a graphic tee outburst, but the positives must also be… read more
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