Posts by
Mike Jones
10 Reasons Why You Should Climb A Mountain
These days, opportunities for adventure and conquest are rare. That’s unfortunate, because masculine men naturally crave exploration. For us, the call of the wild is undeniable. But, let’s be realistic. Most… read more
8 Reasons Why The Future Is Going To Suck
What does the future hold for the West? As one astute member of the manosphere noted, we are not going to like it. George Orwell was right. Here are eight… read more
6 Most Corrupt And Vile Female Politicians
Here are six female politicians who actively accelerate the decline of Western civilization. This list begs the question: are female corruption and ugliness correlated? You be the judge. 1. Susan… read more
5 Best Countries Where It’s Great To Be A Criminal
Most men who read Return Of Kings would probably agree that the Western world is in terminal decline. As time goes on and things get worse, economic options will disappear…. read more
7 Things You Need To Shave Like A Real Man
Itâs Sunday night. Youâre starting to look like this bro… photo credit: Flikr You have work in the morning, so you need to look like more like this guy… photo… read more
Shredded Flesh, Jungle Rot, And The Sledgehammer
With The Old Breed is the intense biography of a Marine infantryman who fought against Japan in World War II. A doctorâs son from Alabama, the 135-pound Eugene B. Sledge was an intelligent and modest young man who evolved into a ruthless killing machine that survived the hellish Pacific War. Fellow Marines would nickname the… read more
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