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Do Not Work In A Job That Employs Women
Division of labor according to sex has been a feature of human societies since the beginning. There are even theories by some anthropologists that this division was what allowed Homo… read more
10 Reasons You Should Become A Survivalist
If you are the kind of man who reads Return of Kings, you are aware that all is not well in our current political, economic and cultural situation. You’ve taken… read more
Modern Men Are Becoming Lotus Eaters
In The Odyssey, Odysseus comes ashore on the island of the lotus eaters, where the inhabitants eat flowers that make them completely peaceful and content. Some of his men taste… read more
The Opposite Of Manliness
Much has been written about manliness and the qualities that make a man a man. It seems to be the chief preoccupation of ancient writings, as they describe what makes… read more
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