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Narmer Bull
Mankind’s First Known False Rape Accusation Was Recorded In The 13th Century BCE
Last year, our ROK colleague Ted Deever covered the biblical story of Joseph and Potiphar’s’ wife. His piece highlighted two concerns. One, the civilized world has a long tradition of… read more
How Archaeologists Changed History To Herstory
Academic research on ancient Egypt is dependent on public interest. We call the Western public’s fascination with our subject “Egyptomania.” So in order to generate funds, researchers must be reactive… read more
How Men Of The Ancient World Survived The Same Problems We Face Today
There is a lot to be uneasy about these days. Most of us don’t understand the new social justice ethical system being imposed on us so it’s very likely that… read more
3 Liberals Ideas You Will Be Tempted To Debunk Over Christmas Dinner
It’s the time of year to ease up on the self-improvement goals and enjoy the company of family and friends. It’s also time to listen their self-indulgent opinions on the… read more
As A Coloured Man From South Africa, I Exist In The No Man’s Land Of Racial Identity
“Coloured” is an inherently ambiguous reference. TV has educated the world into believing that this word is antiquated and therefore racist reference to black Americans. But in other less litigious… read more
How White Europeans Contributed To African Cultural Identity And Dignity
It may seem a characteristic of modern times, but not all of our experiences as historical beings needs to be reduced to a good guy bad guy narrative. Facts can… read more
Feminists Are Fighting Masculinity With Masculinity
Over the past two weeks random crimes were weaved into an already established media narrative and a new social media campaign was born: #Men are Trash. It’s now shameful to be a… read more
History Is Full Of Climate Change Myths That Were Used To Control Human Behavior
This is the most important issue of our time. Our world’s climate is at urgent breaking point! The planet is warming, the oceans are rising and the flood is inevitable!… read more
10 Lessons That Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Taught Its Young Men
Work, pass on your genes, then die. The formula for civilized man is simple. The things to do in between are the confusing parts. How should you behave? When should you… read more
The Ancient Egyptian Story That Planted The Seed Of “Social Justice”
History has weaved great men into our lives and we do our best to imitate them when circumstance requires us to do so. The Social Justice Warrior (SJW) also imitates… read more
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