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Ned Kelly
NFL Players Are Setting A Bad Example By Teaching Black People To Encourage Victimhood
Jimbo Jones recently outlined the growing dispute between President Trump and black NFL players who are kneeling during the national anthem. I support the players’ free speech rights to kneel,… read more
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do A PhD In The Arts And Humanities
A PhD is an 80,000 to 100,000 word thesis that makes an “original and significant contribution” to human knowledge. The arts/humanities include disciplines such as literature, classics, history, politics, philosophy,… read more
Australia’s Gay Marriage Vote May Lead To Spectacular Failure For The Left
Australia is currently voting in a postal survey on whether to legalise gay marriage. A clear majority of Australians support gay marriage but I predict that the “No” side will… read more
Australia’s Aboriginal Lobby Is Exploiting White Guilt To Promote A Far-Left Agenda
Australia’s native aboriginal lobby is highly influential. I use the term “lobby” deliberately because it consists of organised individuals and groups and many of its members are not aboriginal themselves…. read more
China Is Poised To Surpass The United States As The World’s Biggest Superpower
China is set to take over from the United States as the world’s largest economy. Military strength is built ultimately upon economic strength so if current trends continue, China will… read more
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