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Netanderthal Man
10 Signs Of Passive Aggressiveness And How To Stop Displaying Them
Passive aggressiveness is a distasteful trait that no self-respecting man should possess. Although to many it seems like mocking, it is a completely different animal. Mocking comes from a place of power… read more
A Few Simple Game Q&As Show Occam’s Razor In Action
Occam’s razor is most commonly described as “the simplest answer is most often correct,” although this is an oversimplification. But life is too short to complicate it. Even though this… read more
Don’t Brush Off Your Failures
One of the following has almost certainly happened to you at some point: you got rejected by a girl when things seemed to go well. Or a girl flaked on… read more
Why Her Past Is Better Left Alone
It’s a Pandora’s box that should never be opened. Do not inquire or think about her past. Never. Don’t even think about thinking about it. It does not concern you… read more
Unconditional Love From A Woman Is Impossible
There’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are EXPECTED to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We… read more
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