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Autistic Male Student Is Hit With Title IX Harassment Violation For Offering Fist Bump To Female Student
Via The College Fix: A “fist bump” and a selfie may have ended Marcus Knight’s educational career right as it started. The student, who has autism, cerebral palsy and a shunt… read more
San Francisco Health Organization Insists You Replace “Vaginas” With Inclusive Term “Front Holes”
Via The Daily Caller: You may think this story is better suited for Clickhole. If only. Instead, Healthline, a California health info provider, is trying to ruin the term “vagina.” It’s not gender inclusive enough…. read more
Jewish Video Gamer David Katz Kills 2 After Losing In Video Game Tournament
Via Forward: A professional video gamer from Baltimore is suspected of killing at least two people and wounded several others on Sunday when he opened fire at a video game… read more
Texas Law Student Forced To Write 6-Page Essay About His “Toxic Masculinity” Or Face Expulsion
Via Breitbart: A law student at the University of Texas was forced to reflect on “toxic masculinity” as a punishment for harassment. An anonymous law student at the University of… read more
#MeToo Hero Asia Argento Had Sex With A Minor Who She Groomed From Childhood
Via Page Six: Actress Asia Argento allegedly admitted she did have sex with a 17-year-old former co-star — but claimed he “jumped” her, according to explosive texts published Wednesday. The texts, which TMZ… read more
Girl Tricks Hundreds Of Men To Show Up For Tinder Date At The Same Time
Via NY Post: Dozens of dudes showed up to Union Square for Tinder dates on Sunday — only to learn they were all there to meet the same woman, and she… read more
White Male Professors In The UK Will Be Assigned Younger Black Women As Handlers
Via The Telegraph Male, pale and stale university professors are to be given “reverse mentors” to teach them about unconscious bias, under a new Government funded scheme. Under the project,… read more
Alex Jones Shut Down By YouTube, Facebook, Apple, And Spotify In Shocking Orwellian Crackdown
Via CNBC: YouTube has removed Alex Jones’ page, following bans earlier Monday from Apple and Facebook. The Alex Jones Channel, which counts 2.4 million subscribers, still appeared in YouTube search… read more
UK Dissident Tommy Robinson Freed After Being Imprisoned For Reporting On Grooming Gangs
Via Breitbart: The British Court of Appeal has released street organiser and citizen journalist Tommy Robinson from prison on bail, pending a fresh hearing over his contempt of court charge…. read more
Female “Changes” Her Sex To Male—Then Gets Accused Of Male Privilege
Via The Blaze: Zander Keig “was an outspoken radical feminist” prior to transitioning into a male and “spoke up often, loudly and with confidence,” the Washington Post reported. Then Keig made the transition… read more
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