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North Carolina Declares State Of Emergency After Black Rioting And Looting
Via Breitbart: Police have closed portions of uptown Charlotte on Wednesday night after a series of gunshots were fired. One man has reportedly been shot. There are conflicting reports as to… read more
Bill Maher Courageously Compares Donald Trump To Hitler, Pledges To Vote For “Dead Hillary”
Via Breitbart: Following up a Donald Trump assassination joke on Saturday, liberal talk show host Bill Maher said Monday that he would rather vote for a “dead” Hillary Clinton over… read more
Rioters Yelling “Black Power” Burn Buildings And Target White People In Milwaukee
Via Breitbart: Late on Saturday afternoon police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin shot an armed suspect fleeing from a car on the city’s North Side. Not long after the shooting a large… read more
Four Police Officers Killed By Snipers During Black Lives Matter Protest In Dallas
Via LA Times: Eleven police officers were shot, four of them fatally, when two snipers opened fire with rifles during a protest over police shootings in downtown Dallas Thursday evening,… read more
Rigged: FBI Reveals It Has Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke Law, But Will Not Prosecute
Via Breitbart: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey said Tuesday at a press conference that he will not recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton, though he found “evidence”… read more
Pentagon To Allow Transvestites To Serve In US Military, Will Pay For Sex Change Surgery
Via Associated Press: Transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military, the Pentagon announced Thursday, ending one of the last bans on service in the armed… read more
Anti-fascist Protesters Try To Shut Down Neo-Nazi Rally In California, Get Stabbed
Via the Sacramento Bee: A rally by a small group of neo-Nazi demonstrators at the state Capitol on Sunday erupted into a violent clash with protesters that left at least… read more
WORLDWIDE SHOCK: Britain Votes To Leave European Union, David Cameron Resigns
Via Daily Mail: Boris Johnson has made a pitch to be Prime Minister of a new ‘great’ Britain outside the EU after a devastated David Cameron announced his resignation. Mr… read more
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Covers His Laptop Camera With Tape—Should You, Too?
Via Daily Mail: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to be concerned about being spied on. A photo that he shared to help celebrate Instagram’s 500 million monthly active users shows… read more
Islamic Terrorist Kills 20 People At Homosexual Nightclub In Florida (UPDATE: 50 Killed)
Via Daily Mail: Update from CNN: Police: 50 killed in Florida nightclub terror attack A suspected Islamic extremist wielding an assault rifle and a handgun has killed about 20 people after… read more
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