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United States Declared The 10th Most Dangerous Country For Women In The World, Right Behind Nigeria
Via CBS News: The United States has been ranked for the first time among the 10 nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field…. read more
American Corporations Are Taking Steps On Their Own To Limit Gun Sales
Via Yahoo News: With Gary Ramey’s fledgling gun-making business taking off in retail stores, he decided to start offering one of his handguns for sale on his website. That didn’t… read more
Author Of Little House On The Prairie Declared Racist 50 Years After Her Death
Via CBS News: An iconic author’s name has been stripped from a prestigious literary award because of themes some are describing as racially offensive. Laura Ingalls Wilder is one of… read more
Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters Urges Liberals To Attack Anyone Who Works For Donald Trump
Via Breitbart: Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) suggested people harassing, and protesting members of the administration of President Donald Trump at stores, restaurants, and gas stations was the… read more
Shocking: “Body Positive” Models Are Normalizing Obesity And Making The Problem Worse
Via Daily Mail: Plus-size clothing ranges and models such as Ashley Graham may be normalising obesity, it has been warned, as growing numbers of people fail to realise they are… read more
Homosexuals Are Getting Angry That So Many Straight People Are Attending Their Pride Events
Via USA Today: Paul Ellis has seen a lot of gay pride parades. He marched in Pittsburgh’s first one in 1973 with just 40 other people, flanked on either side by… read more
Leftist Actor Peter Fonda Wishes For Barron Trump To Be Caged With Pedophiles
Via Daily Caller: The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron, The Daily Caller… read more
Donald Trump Fails To Appease Left With Executive Order Solving Manufactured “Family Separation” Crisis
Via Breitbart: President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to halt the practice of separating illegal immigrant families apprehended at the border, despite questions about its constitutionality. “We’re going… read more
Starbucks Is Closing 150 Stores Two Months After Introducing “Racial Bias” Training
Via Bloomberg: Americans’ long-running joke about a Starbucks on every corner may be nearing its end. The coffee behemoth is retrenching in its home market as it contends with sales… read more
San Francisco Tourists Are Shocked At Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles And Dead Bodies
Via Zero Hedge: San Francisco – a Democratic stronghold known for cable cars, quaint architecture and its diverse culture, has become a bastion of squalor and crime as city dwellers and visitors alike dodge… read more
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