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Nicholas Jack
7 Reasons Why A Male Cheater Is Better Than A Female Cheater
Now, before I go any further, I want to make one thing clear. If you are in a committed relationship, even as a man, you have basically given your word… read more
14 Tips To Travel Cheaply Around the World
The guys that read my blog know that I have been able to travel all around the world on a very low budget. I have been able to do this… read more
The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World
Most people know that by traveling you can date a very diverse selection of women. By traveling you will find yourself with girls of different races,… read more
The 7 Most Common Lies Women Tell In A Relationship
Many of you might have heard about a book I wrote called The Key Logger. To write the book, I used a key logger to record all the things typed by girls… read more
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