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Nicholas Peake
10 Signs Of Men Who Have The Loser Mentality
Over the years I’ve known a few friends (and, sadly, family) who at some point I began to see in a different light—these were men very close to me who eventually… read more
15 Tough Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
After my previous article in which I shared some hard-learned ideas I’ve gained over the years, time passed and I found myself encountering more and more along the way. As… read more
11 Hard Truths I Learned From Taking The Red Pill
For most of my life, I’ve been that friendly small town guy, a likable guy who always seemed to establish a good feeling and friendly rapport with the people I… read more
6 Reasons Why Fat Women Are Defective
Being a reader of Return of Kings, I’m going to assume you’re at least somewhat as aware as I am of the current trend of the ugly delusion that is… read more
15 Hard Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
Having reached a milestone of age and maturity in my life, I’ve come to realize a number of hard lessons I’ve learned, deserved or otherwise, that can only come from… read more
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