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Nomen Nescio
The Attacks On German Women Over New Year’s Eve Appear Organized And Planned
When you read the official press release of the Cologne police force on January 1st, you’ll get the impression that that particular New Year’s Eve was in no way remarkable…. read more
4 Things In Common Between “Rape Culture” And Roofie Hysteria
Let’s talk roofies. Everyone has heard stories about some poor girl whose drink was spiked with rohypnol and who woke up naked in a room with a guy, without any… read more
Science Confirms Tattooed Women Are Indeed Broken
ROK writer Matt Forney recently outlined why women with piercings and tattoos are broken, and in doing so he bruised fragile egos, hurt a lot of feelings, and launched more than… read more
This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy
Patriarchy has been extremely successful, despite its recent vilification. Most cultures worldwide are patriarchal – to find examples of successful matriarchal societies you either have to turn to ancient history,… read more
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