Posts by

Oscar Zach
Is The Modern Man Truly Softer Than His Predecessors?
The life of man upon earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling. – Job 7:1, DRA Is the contemporary man more comfortable (and… read more
The Relativity Of Happiness
Everything is relative, including relativity. ― Chris Matakas, #Human: Learning To Live In Modern Times In 1905, Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity determined that the laws of… read more
The Necessity Of Meritocracy
We find ourselves living in an age and culture of entitlement which has significantly contributed to modern degeneracy: the undeserving are given responsibilities and positions which they don’t merit, leading… read more
The Under-Appreciated Benefits Of Solitude
Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, He travels the fastest who travels alone. — Rudyard Kipling Our society (or the matrix of modern feminist societies) often puts enough… read more
The Mystery Of Human Destiny
The mystery of destiny remains one which every man faces during his earthly existence. Life holds a spiritual meaning, apart from the sensual and material pleasures it provides man. The journey… read more
Flawed Blue Pill Interpretation Of Religion Covertly Pedestalizes Women
What is life? I’m sure most of you would have different answers when it comes to defining life, based on your personal experiences and the lessons that you’ve learned through… read more
The Essence Of True Leadership
People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives. – Theodore Roosevelt A lot of red pill men today face frustratingly tough… read more
The Role Of Modern Entertainment In Beta Indoctrination
We’ve seen and discussed how social indoctrination in modern societies has brainwashed men to act unnaturally to the core qualities of masculine nature. Right from childhood, a man’s indoctrination begins… read more
The Attitude Of Gratitude
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. – Marcus Tullius Cicero The importance of gratitude in the character of the masterful man… read more
How To Identify The 3 Types Of Teases
The epidemic of flaking has been discussed and explored before. In today’s modern feminist societies, it’s quite common for a man to meet a girl who sexually “instigates” him deliberately,… read more
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