Posts by

Oscar Zach
Why The Pursuit Of Pleasure Rules Modern Civilization
The red pill has awakened us to the state of the societies we live in today. Yet the more you see the state of human civilization today (especially in modern… read more
The Modern Rise Of Anal Sex
The popularity and prevalence of butt sex today could be aptly described by what is correctly pointed out here: In 2014, the chances a woman was previously fucked in her… read more
The Secrets To Influencing Human Behavior
All living things are psychologically controlled primarily by three important factors: the powers of fear, belief, and love—and the mutually generating interaction between them, which in turn influence (and are influenced… read more
One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure
We’ve all known the above idiom, yet many men continue to embody it in reality, usually for the worse. We then have are cases of men wifing up sluts, whores,… read more
9 Elements Of Your Quest For Self Mastery
I am the Master of my Fate and the Captain of my Destiny. – Nelson Mandela Destiny: the undeniable “mystery” (i.e. the events that will necessarily happen to a particular… read more
The Enduring Similarities Between Sales And Seduction
The concept of seduction can be explained with different analogies in real life, by each person. One common analogy is that of sales, and a lot of has been already… read more
Is FEMEN Promoting Female Degeneracy Under The Guise Of Feminism?
(Warning: Most of the images and links in this article are NSFW, so exercise caution) We’ve noticed, discussed, and known how feminism has slowly spread (or is spreading) throughout the… read more
Why You Shouldn’t Seek Emotional Fulfillment Through Women
What is the purpose of women in men’s lives? This is a question which has been contemplated throughout history—possibly even by the first man. Men’s opinions on this question vary… read more
Samson’s Tale Cautions Against Dark Triad Women
“Find out each man’s thumbscrew. ‘Tis the art of setting their wills in action. It needs more skill than resolution. You must know where to get at anyone. Every volition… read more
Modern Culture Mirrors Jezebel’s Poisonous Spirit
As the example of Gomer, the Biblical story of Jezebel and her husband Ahab often bears applicability to the cultural state of modern feminist societies. Her cultural symbolism throughout the… read more
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