Posts by

Oscar Zach
The Importance Of Money
Money dictates the flow of human living in the modern world. Without money, life is often difficult and painful, and even more for a man. It helps to create freedom…. read more
It’s In Our Nature To Judge Others
“Few people have the wisdom to prefer the criticism would do them good, to the praise that deceives them.” – François de La Rochefoucald Red pillers draw a lot of… read more
A Close Examination Of Elliot Rodger’s Twisted Manifesto
When I finished reading Elliot Rodger’s manifesto, I felt like I just read a script whose main character had shades of the combined personalities of Taxi Driver’s Travis Bickle +… read more
How To Harness The Power of Fear
“Great achievers are driven, not so much by the pursuit of success, but by the fear of failure.” -Larry Ellison On April 11 (or April 29) 711 AD, an army… read more
The Psychological Sexual Desensitization Of The Modern Man
It’s often said that sex lies between the ears, than between the legs. The brain controls the body, and plays an important role in sexuality. A sexual mind thus also… read more
7 Things I Learned From Working With An Office Whore
One of my previous gigs (before I discovered the red pill) was in a multinational media firm predominated by women. In hindsight, I see that office as a soul-crushing nightmare… read more
The Legacy Of Gomer And Hosea Lives On
The Hebrew Bible story of Hosea and the “harlotry” of his wife Gomer bear immense significance in today’s times. Hosea 1:2 refers to Gomer (the daughter of Diblaim), alternatively as… read more
The Disturbing Relationship Between Feminism And The Occult
To begin with, I want to share a real-life experience of a friend who was in a “relationship” with an Eastern European girl who dabbled in the occult. To condense… read more
Is Modern Man Becoming A Sexual Scavenger?
With the rise and spread of feminism in the modern world, the options for a man to find a good, virtuous mate have been drastically reduced. Men thus have the following… read more
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