Posts by
Quintus Curtius
An Open Letter To Two New York Times Writers About The Future Of Masculinity
I happened to come across this article in the New York Times recently, and realized immediately that I had to respond. The article (“Men’s Lib!”) was written by two individuals,… read more
Greed Is A Corruptor
Pyrrhus was a powerful king who ruled Epirus and Macedon for some years during the Hellenistic period. Plutarch tells a revealing story about him in his Parallel Lives (Life of… read more
What Is It Like To Get Older?
One of the questions that I’ve been asked a lot these days is how one’s perceptions change about things as one gets older. A lot of younger guys in their… read more
One Journalist’s Flawed Analysis Of The Migrant Crisis
European elites are in denial over the refugee problem. This was made clear—to me at least—after reading the many statements of European leaders, as well as articles that have attempted… read more
One Man Rebels Against A Sexual Consent Class In The UK
An October 24, 2015 article on the BBC’s website highlighted the sad dynamic between the radical left and the remaining pockets of resistance to its feminist-centric ideology in the West…. read more
If You Stay In The Fight Long Enough, Your Luck Will Change
Sometimes in life, you have no choice but to fight on, and hope that tomorrow will be better. When the odds are against you (which they usually will be), those… read more
Speaking Out Against Injustice: The Case Of Jean Calas
France in the mid-eighteenth century was a nation with an official faith—Catholicism—which tolerated no rival. Huguenots (French Protestants) had faced nearly continuous persecution since the advent of the Reformation. Protestants… read more
Is Atheism Good?
Is religious faith normal, natural, or desirable? Does it serve an important function in the life of man, or is it, rather, an aggregation of pernicious superstitions, designed to soothe… read more
Sleepless Night Is A Nonstop Adrenaline Rush
With some movies, you don’t care so much about the plot as you care about the ride that it takes you on. The Terminator (1984) was one such classic film;… read more
Interview With An Accomplished World Traveler On Life And Travel
I was able to catch up recently with James Maverick, who readers may know also goes by the name of Maverick Traveler. I had interviewed him some time ago to… read more
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