Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Channeling Your Pain To Help Yourself And Others
The July 2015 issue of Outside magazine has an article about an Oregon entrepreneur named Chad Brown. I liked the article and thought other readers here might find it useful… read more
The Gay Marriage Ruling: Why Everyone Loses But The State
As everyone knows, on June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___(2015). At issue was whether “marriages” between… read more
W Motors And Ralph Debbas: An Entrepreneur’s Success Story
Our understanding of history and current events tends to emphasize the unusual, the extraordinary, or the extreme. This reflects the prejudice of the historian or newsman more than anything else…. read more
Ruthless: A Memoir By Jerry Heller
I still remember the time I first listened to N.W.A.’s Straight Outta Compton. I was in college, and a friend of mine had dubbed a tape for me and said,… read more
The Mind Of The Fanatic
The French philosopher Joseph de Maistre once perceptively commented: “I do not know what the heart of a rascal may be; I know what is in the heart of an… read more
Who Is Special, And Who Is Not: The Fluid Concepts Of Race, Gender, And Privilege
Recent news stories compel us to reflect on the interconnected themes of identity and privileged classes. The American media informs us that gender is a “fluid concept,” and that we… read more
The Ethical Principles Of Neomasculinity
Ethics is a distinct branch of philosophy. It proposes to address the questions that trouble all of us as we go about our lives: what is the best life, and… read more
Is Utilitarianism A Good Way To Judge Right And Wrong?
The late eighteenth century saw notable rationalist figures in English philosophy. Tom Paine attacked the theology of Christianity as a collection of absurdities in his his book The Age of… read more
The Application Of Spirituality In A Neomasculine Lifestyle
One of the principles of neomasculinity doctrine is spirituality. We believe that life, in all its richness and fullness, contains more than that which is accorded to us by sense… read more
Mad Max Is The Latest Offense In Hollywood’s Long Tradition Of Social Engineering
The backlash against Hollywood’s latest cauldron of coprolites (Mad Max: Fury Road) seems to have taken the mainstream media by surprise. Expecting the gullible (but reliable) male public to dine… read more
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