Posts by
Quintus Curtius
The Origins Of Neomasculinity
Last week, Roosh V published a short piece introducing the new term “neomasculinity.” The article described how the term “red pill” had its limitations. It had become shopworn, and vague… read more
Into Desolate Sands: The Arabian Travels Of Wilfred Thesiger
On August 3, 2003, an old man of ninety-three died quietly in a rest home in England, leaving behind him a sixty-year legacy of travel experiences, a series of elegant… read more
The Curse Of Hubris: The Rise And Fall Of The Marquis De Pombal
Plutarch’s Life of Aristides contains a compelling aside about the perfectibility of a leader. What he calls the “divine nature” of a great man has three attributes: power, virtue, and… read more
11 Signs You’re Being A Wuss
We need to have a little talk, you and I. No one is perfect. No one is exempt from lapses in discipline, or failures to maintain proper bearing. The important… read more
Is Democracy Dying?
What form of government is the best? Which type of authority best accommodates the nature of man, and his aspirations for advancement, prosperity, and security? These are expansive and brash… read more
A Man Apart: The Labors Of Pliny The Elder And His Demise At Vesuvius
On August 24, 79 A.D., Italy’s Mount Vesuvius exploded in one of the largest volcanic eruptions in European history. For two days, the mountain disgorged millions of tons of pumice,… read more
The Dilemma Of Perspective
Perspective is one of the most important lessons of the cognitive disciplines. It also weighs heavily in the balanced consideration of moral problems. What may seem to be one thing… read more
The Timeless Wisdom Of Louis IX
Perhaps the most sincere and guileless of medieval chroniclers was France’s Jean de Joinville, the Seneschal of Champagne. He lived from 1224 to 1317, reaching a maturity of worldly experience… read more
Palatines And Borderers: The Shirkers And The Workers
The historian Edward Gibbon, in his monumental Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, discourses at length in the second volume of his history on the corruption of the Roman… read more
Observations On The Art Of Seduction
I will begin this article by relating a short anecdote. Rodrigo had finally succeeding in meeting Luisa in a small barzinho. They had matched on Tinder several days before, but… read more
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