Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Turning The Tables On An Unexpected Robbery In Brazil
The vendador reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two green coconuts. Rotating one in his hand, he made three well-practiced chops with a cleaver at the crown of the… read more
The Covert Operations Of Hans Tofte During The Korean War
By the beginning of 1951, the belligerents of the Korean War had been locked in a brutal struggle since June of the previous year. Ground combat had seesawed up and… read more
A ROK Christmas Benediction From Brother Cui Pertinebit
Frequent readers here will recognize the name of Cui Pertinebit, which has appeared here as both a commenter and as the subject of an article. I have received a letter… read more
The Need For Action: Doolittle’s Daring Air Raid On Japan
The historian Edward Gibbon believed that man held two consuming propensities: the love of pleasure, and the love of action. The love of pleasure should be refined, and tempered, by… read more
Leadership Lessons From The Film “Das Boot”
A few days ago I saw the director’s cut version of the 1981 German film Das Boot. Of course I had seen it before, but it had been at least… read more
Churchill Makes The Call: An Agonizing Command Decision
In 1940, the Germans burst into France, overwhelming the defenses of that proud but demoralized nation in a scant six weeks. To those on the Allied side old enough to… read more
The Virtue Of A Full Amphora
The humanist Bartolomeo Scala wrote a consolatory essay to Cosimo de Medici upon the death of Cosimo’s son Giovanni in 1463. The essay (Dialogus de consolatione) is presented in the… read more
A Dialogue With A Pious Monk
One of Return of Kings’s strengths is its ability to attract and hold the attention of men from startlingly diverse backgrounds. Just how diverse, readers will this week discover. Regular… read more
Cervantes And The Grandeur Of Spain
Before the rise of England to the status of a world power in the seventeenth century, Spain’s empire in the sixteenth century covered an immense portion of the globe. Yet… read more
Revolt: Genesis Of The Tunisian Revolution
The individual man retains his position as an occasional formative force in history. He is the cause of countless effects, as well as the effect of sundry causes; he shapes… read more
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