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Quintus Curtius
An Epic Poem Of Discovery And Adventure
Towards the end of the sixteenth century, Portugal’s mercantile empire began to cede its primacy in world affairs to the Spanish and Dutch; and like Spain after her, she was… read more
Adrift In The Arctic: The Incredible Story Of Bruce Gordon
Some incredible stories of survival are well known, and other less so. Still others have been covered up entirely by the silt of time. I came across one such story… read more
The Need For Submission
A friend of mine was recently describing to me some details of his travels in Thailand. He mentioned that for some Thai young men, Buddhist monasteries served an important cultural… read more
Ice Odyssey: Douglas Mawson’s Race Against Death
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Antarctic continent was still largely unexplored. Vast expanses of its terrain remained terra incognita. The task of turning the incognita to the… read more
Mutiny And The Ordeal Of Captain Bligh
Fortune both grants favor and revokes it. Plutarch, wise in the ways of such things, puts this prescient little speech into the mouth of Aemilius Paullus, who was addressing a… read more
Cultivate Your Certainty In The Age Of Turbulence
We are oarsmen aboard galleys, straining our muscles to keep our ships on a certain azimuth, enduring our labors in foaming and swelling seas, while being buffeted by the storms… read more
Thirty Seven: A Book About The Nature Of Masculine Identity
A writer who can write about what he likes has the comfort of a sanguine conscience. Not for him are the nail-biting sessions of anxiety about what Tom, Dick, or… read more
Is It Enough To Make The Right Decisions, Or Must We Have The Right Reasons?
The life of man is his struggle with moral and philosophical problems. The art of living involves a thousand daily compromises, decisions, and judgments; we stumble through the darkness as… read more
Great Fiction Has Never Been For The Masses
I recently read with great interest B.P. Rouleau’s Why Men’s Fiction Is Suffering A Great Decline. Rouleau’s perspective as a fiction writer is invaluable, and without doubt he accurately diagnoses… read more
A Glimpse At The Future Of Condom Technology
If biomedical researchers are successful, today’s condoms may become quaint relics of the past. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a bundle of grants (beginning at $100,000 and… read more
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