Posts by
Quintus Curtius
The Inevitable Gap Between Theory And Practice
There is a gulf between theory and practice. It can be a simple matter to know how to do something in the abstract, but actually implementing the ideal is quite… read more
The Visionary War Photography Of Alexander Gardner
In 1856, a thirty-five-year-old Scotsman named Alexander Gardner arrived in New York City to begin employment as a photographer for Matthew Brady’s celebrated portrait studio. Gardner had worked hard all… read more
Red Eminence: The Iron Will Of Cardinal Richelieu
Of the many leadership traits, willpower has special significance. Difficult to describe, it is best illustrated by historical example, rather than by general discussion. That sustained application of effort over… read more
How To Write In A Foreign Language
Previous articles in these pages have discussed techniques for improving one’s speaking, reading, and listening abilities in a foreign language. This focus is understandable, as most language students will have… read more
The Art Of Speaking And Writing Well
When Rome conquered Greece, it adopted many of her techniques of education. One of these was the emphasis on rhetoric (the art of speaking and writing well) as an independent… read more
Painful Lessons Brazil Learned In The 2014 World Cup
The 2014 World Cup will not go down favorably in Brazilian collective memory. First there were the grumblings about the excessive money being spent to host the event, and how… read more
A Man Unique: The Lyrical Fire And Fury Of Ernst Juenger
An expert in classical Chinese once wrote that ancient texts occasionally feature characters that appear once, and only once, in the existing literature. The linguistic term for such words or… read more
Clash Of Steel And Wills: The Story Of The Battle Of Lepanto
The climax of European military effort in the Mediterranean, and one of the most awe-inspiring naval engagements ever fought, was the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. A rickety, unlikely alliance… read more
Ascent Into Eternity: The Unconquerable Will Of George Mallory
On June 6, 1924, two haggard members of the British Everest Expedition, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, left their frozen canvas tent on the wind-whipped side of Mount Everest and… read more
How Our Enemies Can Help Us
A few days ago, a friend was talking to me about some injustice he had suffered from one of his enemies. He was justifiably furious at having been wronged. While… read more
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