Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Why America Has Become Infected With Rape Hysteria
This past weekend, I went to a movie theater for the first time in a few months. Before the coming attractions rolled, there appeared on the screen a public service… read more
The Lives Of Great Men As Moral Instruction
There is no better school of instruction for our own lives than in learning about the lives and trials of great men. By following their experiences, struggles, and adversities, we… read more
The Power Of Choice
Jared Diamond’s masterful Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed is a collection of case studies of societies that were unable or unwilling to correct defects which ultimately led to… read more
How To Distinguish A True Friend From A False One
That friendship is a precious thing is a truism no one disputes. The ancient Stoics went so far as to value it more highly than love between man and woman. … read more
14 Things That Happen As You Grow In Worldly Wisdom
We seek self-improvement in many areas: in physical fitness, language proficiency, travel, stimulating intercourse with women, professional advancement, and in growth of character and worldly wisdom. Our premise is that… read more
Is Progress Real?
The Roman writer Aulus Gellius relates an amusing story in his book Attic Nights (Noctes Atticae, IX.4). Returning from Greece to Italy and stopping at the port of Brundisium, he… read more
A Revolt Against The Excesses Of Revolt
I have recently been reading the autobiography of one of my favorite historians, Will Durant. The book is entitled Dual Autobiography, as it outlines the life not just of Will… read more
The Most Civilized Frenchman Of His Era
Michel de Montaigne ranks among the wisest and most urbane figures in literary history. In an age of intolerance, religious fanaticism, and warring dynasties, his was a voice that cried… read more
A Brazilian Man Talks About Game, Social Media, And How His Country Is Changing
My interview series continues. I recently met up with my friend Gilmar Santos, a Brazilian guy whom I’ve known for some time. I’ve learned a great deal about social dynamics… read more
The World Will Teach You
My grandfather used to have a phrase he would use when confronted with a situation that only wisdom and experience could fully explain. The world will teach you, he would… read more
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