Posts by
Quintus Curtius
The Eternal Recurrence Of Internet Outrage
Conflagrations of internet outrage all seem to follow a predictable pattern. A recent flare-up of outrage over a Twitter joke by comedian Stephen Colbert is just the latest manifestation of… read more
The Cycle Of Societal Wealth
A recent article in Al Jazeera’s English website discussed what it called the “cash hoarding crisis” that plagues the American economic scene today. Wealthy corporations have amassed, and continue to… read more
The Most Sincere Autobiography Ever Written
The author of the first and most famous autobiography ever written was born in 354 A.D. in Tagaste, in Numidia, which had long been part Roman Africa. Augustine himself was… read more
Truman Sacks MacArthur: A Lesson In Leadership
I have long been a student of the Korean War. It has many compelling dimensions to it—political, military, social, personal, diplomatic—and any one of these facets makes it a fruitful… read more
William Harvey Explains The Circulatory System
Some of the most inspiring achievements in history have been accomplished not on battlefields or corridors of courtly power, but by the patient persistence and steady resolve of learned men…. read more
The Battle To Maintain Frame Control
Frame. Frame. Frame. I wish I could write it larger than that. FRAME. Maintain frame! Maintain frame! Everyone cackles, like so many hens in a chicken coop. Their heads bobbing… read more
11 Fundamental Guidelines For Solid Game
When young guys are just starting out in game and life, they make all sorts of mistakes. I was one of those guys. I’m still constantly making mistakes. But I… read more
How Hard Is It To Discharge Your Student Loans?
It is well known that students these days are drowning in debt. And there really isn’t any way around it, unless you’re one of the few who doesn’t have to… read more
Traditional Sex Roles Are What Nature Intended
Anthropologists tell us that the human race has gone through distinct phases in its development. The hunter-gatherer phase was the first and apparently the longest-lasting, and was characterized by a… read more
The Feminist War Against Prostitution Is Fueled By Lies And Distortions
A recent article in The Economist magazine discussed the outcomes of the different approaches that Sweden and Germany have taken towards prostitution since the early 2000s. Sweden—under massive pressure from… read more
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