Posts by
Quintus Curtius
How Did Venezuela Become Such A Total Disaster?
You’ve probably read or heard a great deal about the incipient chaos in Venezuela. There are serious food shortages, rampant crime, seething unrest, and the threat of a violent government… read more
Permanent Irritation: Why Nothing Will Change With North Korea
There has been much talk in the news of possible military action of some sort on the Korean peninsula. Western observers—the United States in particular—suspect that the North Korean government… read more
The Fascinating Linguistic Journey Of J.R.R. Tolkien
We have often discussed language-related subjects here. Readers interested in language acquisition may find it beneficial to hear something about the language ideas of one of the twentieth century’s most… read more
Why You Should Read “Nuremberg: Infamy On Trial”
We live in an age of power without responsibility, an age where ambition and hubris are too often to run roughshod over institutional controls and the dictates of common decency. … read more
Russia’s New Encyclopedia Helps Fight Online Noise And Disinformation
We are living in an age in which everything electronic is praised as newer, better, and more advanced. The internet, we are constantly told, is the new oracle, is able… read more
Why You Should Make Meals With A Slow-Cooker
If you’re single and living alone, it’s important to know how to cook nutritious meals for yourself on a consistent basis. Like practically everything else in today’s world, you need… read more
How To Make Beef Jerky
I was watching a documentary on Netflix the other day about how our species (homo sapiens) spread out over the globe. One point made by the narrators was that the… read more
The Underreported Epidemic Of Firefighter Suicide
Every now and then you come across a story that cries out for more recognition. I recently had that feeling when I began to read more about the epidemic of… read more
Who Determines What Will Be “Forgotten” On The Internet?
Readers may have heard of the strange, tragic story of a thirty-one year old Italian woman named Tiziana Cantone. According to media reports, she made sex videos with a current… read more
Why The Left Is Suppressing The Truth About Argentina’s Military Junta
The mainstream media narrative about Argentina in the 1970s goes something like this: (1) Argentina was governed by a brutal, merciless military junta from 1976 to 1983; (2) the dictatorship… read more
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